How do I get my ebook or factsheet?
It is an instant download. You pop it in your basket as usual, go through checkout and then you will be sent to a page where you can download your purchase straightaway. You will also be sent an email with a download link in it. Please make sure you save your purchase straightaway as you will not be able to get it again once you have used all your download links - two on the system currently. If you get stuck and lose it or anything, just ask me to enable another download for you.
Can I pay by card?
Yes, you can use Stripe or Paypal.
What format is the ebook in?
The documents are in PDF or Word doc format because, when I asked, that's what you all preferred. If you wish to read it on an e-reader or something, here are some instructions one of our lovely Purehealth followers wrote for us: Kindle instructions