Help I've Got...PCOS!
I have quite severe PCOS myself, although thankfully, using the plan in this book, it is now not severe, yay! This is the first book I ever wrote; it needs updating which is why I am putting it here for you as a freebie for now until I get time! But, all the info you need is there and it will still help.
Here's the intro to start you off. I truly hope it helps: horrid condition, ugh..
So, this is for you if you have just been diagnosed and don’t know where to start. Or, if you’ve had PCOS for a while and have taken that inevitable decision finally to stop letting it control your life and want to know how to do that. I sincerely hope it helps you as much as it has me and my patients.
Most of the PCOSs who come to see me feel they are at the mercy of their hormones – and they’re right. They feel it controls their moods, the way they look, the way they feel most of the time. Life is arranged around periods that are often erratic, heavy and painful, or controlled by mood swings that come as part of the monthly cycle whether you have a period or not. Much mental energy is put into trying to conceive or hold on to a pregnancy. Hidden hair plucking often goes on all day. You’re perpetually hungry and often desperate for sugar or carbs of cereal and bread which then bloat you up. It’s a nightmare for many. But not for long. You can change things.
So, let's get started...