You can see the Infections Factsheet here.
Use Cyrex 12 Pathogen screen to see if you are immunologically reacting to anything that could be triggering or exacerbating health problems.
Check the Gut Test page for candida, bacterial infections, parasites, H pylori etc.
Invivo do a lot of specific infection tests and you can bundle them together, if needed. Order here on the shop or use my code BO2QKE_890 to order direct. For urinary infections, use the Invivo Urinary Ecologix. For oral infections use Invivo's Oral Ecologix. For vaginal infections, use Invivo's Vaginal Ecologix.This measures common bacterial and fungal infections by PCR technology.
Compare each test to check you are getting what you need tested. You can order those on the shop here or direct following those links. Please bear in mind, if ordering Invivo tests internationally, it's best to order direct using those links as it will tell you the countries they ship to and the shipping rate.
To check for viruses, we have a couple of options. The simplest Viral screen looks for CMV Cytomegalovirus, EBV Epstein Barr Virus and HSV Herpes Simplex Virus IgG and IgM. The Viral Premier panel does those and also more EBV type antibodies, Herpes zoster and Human Herpes Type 6. An extended one includes the Measles virus if you need that. The Autoimmune Trio measures severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) so can particularly help with finding viral triggers for eg. Long Covid. Or you can do the Covid spike protein on its own if needed.
To check for Lyme Disease, again we have a few options. The most common test to find Lyme is ELISA Borellia Burgdorferi IgG, IgM. However it's not great at finding early cases. If ELISA is positive, then you usually do a Western Blot to confirm diagnosis. You can get both of those and much more, including co factors like babesia and bartonella in Lyme Panel A. And the most comprehensive test is Lyme Panel B, which includes even more protein fractions etc. Both A and B are much more effective at finding early infections and avoiding false positive results, which can send people down treatment rabbit holes for years unnecessarily.