Exposure to – and sensitivity to – many toxic chemicals and moulds/molds can cause or exacerbate many conditions. You can read much more about Moulds and Mycotoxins specifically here.
Do a RTL Mycotoxin Panel or Environmental Pollutants Profile and/or a GPL/Mosaic-MYCOTOX to see if you likely have any common chemicals or moulds respectively at high levels in your body. You can add Glyphosate onto the GPL-Tox or order it separately.
Check to see if you are sensitive to any of them or are reacting immunologically to them using the Cyrex 11.
For heavy metals, do the Quicksilver’s Metals Panel and for mercury specifically, use Quicksilver’s Mercury Tri-Test.
Don’t forget to check your detox capability too.
Read much more about toxin testing here. You can order most of those tests (except Cyrex) direct from the lab with those links or here on the shop.