Last updated April 24
This 24 page factsheet is small, but mighty-powerful, especially if you have a chronic digestive, hormone, immune or mood issue that just isn't responding to usual treatments. I find myself constantly saying 'work on your vagus' to people, so I've produced this factsheet so I can easily point to something that can help. This factsheet will explain all about the vagus nerve and, importantly, how to test and treat it effectively.
Many people have never even heard of this all-important nerve, but lots of people have what's termed 'poor vagal tone' which means that messages from the brain to the body and body to brain are not optimal. This can have really far-reaching effects. It's a crucial step in any chronic condition, really, and one that is missed a LOT!
Common Symptoms of Vagus Nerve Dysfunction
• Gut problems, such as IBS, IBD and SIBO, persistently low stomach acid or enzyme production, poor motility/slow transit time, food sensitivity
• Problems with sleeping
• B12 deficiency
• Mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety
• Problems regulating weight
• Fast or slow heart rate
• Dizziness or fainting
• Dysphagia (swallowing problems)
• Gastroparesis (partial paralysis of the stomach where the stomach can't empty itself in the normal way. Clues to this include: nausea or being sick after eating, especially bringing up undigested food hours later, loss of appetite, feeling full quickly when eating, abdominal pain, abdominal bloating, acid reflux, blood sugar fluctuations, weight loss for no reason)
• GERD, acid reflux, heartburn or gastritis
• Chronic fatigue
• Chronic inflammation
Of course, there are many other possible causes for these symptoms, but a clue the vagus is involved is if things are not responding to normal treatment. I find it useful to include vagal work in cases of hypersensitivity (food, chemicals, life!) and chronic pain too. It's also known to help things like tinnitus, peri-menopause and other hormone imbalances. The vagus nerve affects so many different systems and organs, it generally helps to make sure it is in tip-top condition.
I usually dovetail this in with normal biochemical/nutritional approaches, and some people have to start with this before the body is strong enough to take anything else.