I have written this 200 page Healing Plan for you if you have one of what I think of as the ‘hypersensitivity’ illnesses, or a chronic illness of any kind that isn't getting better using the normal interventions, especially:
"This book is truly exceptional. You should be incredibly proud."
Just finished the first read-through of the Healing Plan. It feels so supportive and personal, like a kind friend who has been there, pointing out a myriad of possibilities for making my way. It helps not to feel alone with my illness. Thank you!
I have spent many years as a naturopathic medical nutritionist working with people on the functional side of what may have gone wrong with them. Is it their adrenals, methylation status, a parasite, an allergy, a nutrient deficiency? And on the search usually goes. This works for many, many people, but what happens when someone has what I call an ‘unresolving chronic illness’ that just isn’t responding to normal mainstream or alternative treatment?
And what if those people can’t tolerate the foods, meds or supplements to help and have ‘avoided’ so many foods (and possibly chemicals and even life!) that they are now left with an extremely restricted diet, a joyless life, a skinny backside and are still not getting better?
That’s what happened to me. And that’s why I wrote this book. I had to find another way to heal myself with ‘non-ingestive’ methods – ‘nil by mouth’, as I call it. This is designed to dovetail with 'normal' treatments, but sometimes you have to open up or calm the body sufficiently using this sort of stuff first, I've found. It's the combination of the two physical and psychological/brain retraining stuff that works long term.
Welcome & Housekeeping
What the Heck is Going On?
Step 1: Calm It All Down and Enter A Healing State
Step 2: Use Neuroplasticity Techniques To Change Your Brain
Step 3: Support, Reveal & Deal With the Emotional Side of Illness
Step 4: Reintegrate: Re-joining The World, But Who Are You Now?
Step 5: Investigate and Treat Whatever’s Left
Getting Support
"there is an incredible amount of knowledge and fantastically helpful information in this book. I really think this is a whopper of a piece of writing..."
"As a guide to for those who have totally failed to find an answer to their own illnesses, it could be life changing!" Foodsmatter.com Editor
This book outlines the five key steps I took to turn my health around. It was a massive learning curve and one where I had to suspend disbelief quite a lot, but it worked. I got many foods back, recovered my energy levels - I feel much closer to 'normal' again (well, as normal as a 50-odd year old gets..). And I know that's what you want; it shouldn't be too much to ask, should it?!
My genuine hope is that this approach will help you too. To be honest, I’ll eat my hat if it doesn’t – although I can’t yet eat hats!
"This will be a massive eye-opener for a lot of people...."
"Another masterpiece!"
"Feels like you are there holding my hand so not such a lonely experience...."
"I think the book is brilliant, love the lay out and style, flow and writing. Well done you!"
"I think this is a tremendous health plan that seeks to educate people about the emotional and psychological components of chronic ill health. It teaches the link between the physical and mental and will really help those people who firmly believe this does not apply to them! Just making the effort to purchase and read the Healing Plan will be a big step forward in someone’s healing and recovery."
"..you have done masses of research and so will save people lots of time not having to do it themselves. They also have the benefit of you having tried and tested various methods. Well done!"
"Your writing is very easy to read and the spacing etc all help make it easier too."
"It really is phenomenal. I nearly wrote I felt it was better than the Gluten Plan but then changed my mind as that would be very unjust as I think the GP is fantastic too! But the HP is unique and very comprehensive in addressing a particularly difficult and sensitive topic."
"I love that the book is written in your usual easy going style that incorporates some good humour... I like the way you give the reader lots of links to follow up if they wish too - their choice, which is nice."
"What an enormous piece of work this is. I found it a fascinating read and it was so useful to have all the links to other sites…And how generous of you to put your experiences out there for us all to benefit from…. As you point out, each person reading your book will take different things from it and really it is a wonderful idea that people can travel their own paths with the information you provide…Your book has already helped me in several ways. Firstly I know I’m not alone. That’s very powerful….as a result of reading your book I find I have a new path to follow, feel much more positive and trust things will level out now..many thanks.
"I bet lots of people will cry reading this..."
The book is absolutely full of links to resources for you. I calculated I tried 47 different techniques over the two years it took me to do this. I've done all the trialling for you so you'll know what to use now and, importantly, how best to use it - I try and explain really clearly how I applied each recommended technique for best effect as we go along - so it should take you a lot less time than it did me! I so wish someone else had done this when I needed it!
"There is so much information and links for further exploration. It’s an absolutely terrific one-stop shop directory for anyone who is battling with chronic ill health..."
"I have yet to finish this book but want to say how impressed I am with the wealth of information it contains. The many useful links contained therein have opened new and useful doors in my search for improvement to my health associated with the mind/body connection. Thank you Michaela"
"Thank you so much for writing this book. It's helped me to get my life back after nothing else would. I cannot recommend this book highly enough."
"I have read lots of Michaela Rose stuff and it is always light-hearted, humorous, well written, knowledgeable and easy to read. This one sounds intriguing, and I am looking forward to reading it. Michaela uses the functional medicine approach and gets to the source of a problem with lazer accuracy. I can assure you this book will be scientific, not positive thinking cliches - she is always well ahead of the alternative herd."
"I have the first edition of this book and it has been invaluable. Everyone with chronic and autoimmune disease can benefit from this book. I thought I knew a lot about meditation, positive thinking, the power of prayer and the subconscious, overcoming and dealing with trauma and stress, etc, but this book has given me many new avenues to explore and given me a much greater depth of understanding. It is so great to be able to start addressing core causative issues instead of constantly trying to track down and figure out a wide array of changing symptoms. Everyone with chronic illness has had negative epigenetic changes triggered and if you can undo those changes, you are, to a great degree, resetting your immune system and metabolism. The author's personal story is engaging and inspiring and instructive. The book is organized so as to help you individualize for your particular situation, and progress step-by-step through what could otherwise be an overwhelming process. This book does an excellent job of making mind-body medicine accessible and doable."
Wishing you oodles of healing luck x